Architecture beyond walls 10 / 11 Nov 2018
Have you ever wondered what lies beyond walls? Uncover the untold architectural history of Macau!
November 10-11, throughout a weekend, Macau hosts the first and only Open House initiative to be held in Asia. Open House Macau will get you beyond the walls of 50 insightful buildings and offer free visits, showcasing untold architecture for all to experience. Dozens of opportunities to talk, think about and celebrate the city! For free, for all.
Curated and organized by CURB - Center for Architecture and Urbanism, OHM is a proud member of renowned Open House Worldwide, which includes 40+ cities in 4 continents.
“Open House is the key to know and transforming a modern public space”
50 great buildings to visit
Select the buildings to visit from the complete Open House Macau 2018 program.
How does it work?
On November 10–11, visitors will be invited to get beyond walls of 50 insightful buildings and sites all around Macau, for free.
One building, one stamp
Get your OHM 2018 passport stamped while visiting your favourite buildings. Once completed, a gift will be waiting for you!